It is a good practice to have a team meeting or send a detailed email to your team in order to set out the team expectations.
Here are a few things you might want to discuss with parents & players:
Coaches now have access to Drills and Lesson plans within PlayMetrics!
In addition, as a member of WYSA, all registered club staff receive a membership to the US Youth Soccer University in etrainu.
USYS University is a first-ever gathering of educational resources designed to educate coaches, officials, administrators, players, and parents on a broad array of subjects so that they can perform better on, and off, the field of play.
When looking at how and what to train our players, with the intent on helping them achieve their soccer goals, it is important to have a basic understanding of the intellectual, emotional and physical developmental stage of the players we are coaching.
At this age, the best practices involve every kid having a ball at their feet and playing with it (without another kid trying to steal it from them).
There are a lot of games you can play that help them get more comfortable "handling a ball with their feet." Things like Simon says, Red Light, Green Light, Follow the Leader etc.
Watch the video below for some training ideas that will help kids improve their dribbling, passing and shooting skills.
Spend approximately 20 minutes of practice on foot-skills!
Here are some easy warmups that focus on foot-skills.
Use cones to form square "field"
Many coaches like to use different code words to make the kids concentrate/think more
Alternatively, use cones to dribble around (i.e. lines)
Lots of patterns
Obstacle Course
Rules of the Game Presentation
(Mercy rule, slide tackling, heading, club passing, etc.)
(Risk Management)
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