Regent 6U "Kinde"

Program Overview:

  • For players in 4K or Kindergarten
  • Teams play in our In-House League against Shorewood and other Regent teams
  • Game Format: 3V3 (no goalies; no refs)
  • Practice/Games are on Saturday/Sunday - held at Westside Parks
  • Teams are coached & managed by parent volunteers
  • FEES


    • $157 for full-year
    • $100 for Spring-only*

    *We trypically form new teams in the Spring at this age, however space is limited and spots are filled on a first come first served basis.

    Additional Fees:

    • $60 Uniforms
    • $12 size 3 ball (optional)

    Financial assistance is available for most programs through the Robin Carre Scholarship Fund.

    For more information about eligibility and how to apply, click HERE.


    Teams are formed based on Birth Year.

    We take friend requests, school / grade, etc. into consideration whenever possible.

    We suggest a roster size of 6-7 players.

    Teams can be either co-ed or all-girls.

    • The In-House League is co-ed, which means that any all-girls teams will play against co-ed teams.
    • However, if we have enough all-girls teams, it's likely we will form a separate all-girls league.

    ** Important - Teams MUST have at least 1 parent volunteer! **


    $60 uniform kit from Think It then Ink It.

    Uniform kit includes:

    • Blue Jersey
    • Yellow Jersey
    • Shorts
    • Socks

    Regent will order uniforms on a player's behalf & distribute them before the start of the season

    Uniform Fees will be paid to Regent through PlayMetrics

    Uniform Fees are due August 1st & April 1st*

    *only applies if a player registers for Spring-only

    Jersey numbers are assigned by the club.


    • Regent blue/yellow jersey
    • Soccer shorts
    • Shin guards
    • Soccer socks to cover shin guards
    • Rounded cleats or athletic shoes


    Regent's primary jersey color is BLUE; alternate jersey is YELLOW

    When playing a team of the same color, it is the HOME  team's responsibility to wear their alternate jersey

    • For Example: Regent VS Regent team; HOME team wears Yellow, AWAY team wears Blue

    You can find which team is designated as "Home" and "Away" on the game schedule.


    In-House League - Regent & Shorewood


    • 3V3 games (no goalies)
    • 4x 8-min. QUARTERS
    • Size 3 ball
    • Practices/Games are on the weekend at local parks
    • During games - Coaches should be on one side of the field with their team. All spectators should be on the opposite side. We discourage spectators from standing behind the goals during play.


    • Throw-ins OR kick-ins are OK at this age (coaches should agree on which method they use prior to the start of the game)
    • Goal kicks & corner kicks
    • No offsides
    • No punting
    • No heading
    • No referees - volunteer coaches/parents help keep the game moving
    • No sliding - Players are encouraged to stay on their feet - if they fall down, they should get back up and resume play! Sliding is not safe play.

    Substitutions: Teams can sub on their own throw-in, either team’s goal kick or before kickoff (i.e., after a goal is scored)

    • Players should only sub during a break in play (i.e., not on the fly). 


    Regent's primary jersey color is BLUE; alternate jersey is YELLOW

    When playing a team of the same color, it is the HOME  team's responsibility to wear their alternate jersey

    • For Example: Regent VS Regent team; HOME team wears Yellow, AWAY team wears Blue

    You can find which team is designated as "Home" and "Away" on the game schedule.


    The playing Year runs Fall to Spring (8/1 - 7/31)

    FALL Season: Late August - October

    SPRING Season: April - Early June


    • Teams at this age typically don't have a weekday practice. 
    • Instead, they practice 30 minutes before their game.
    • Practices/Games are on the weekends at local parks.
    • 8 games in the Fall; 8 games in the Spring
    • It is possible to have 2 games in one weekend

    All schedules will be added to PlayMetrics when they are available.

    • You can sync your PlayMetrics game schedule to your phone's schedule if desired
    • A link to the current game schedule will be posted below once it has been published.
    Spring 2025 In-House Schedules

    Regent relies on parent volunteers to help coach and manage teams at this age.

    • We suggest 2-3 volunteers per team 
    • No experience is necessary to coach or manage
    • Coaching class is recommended for at least one volunteer
    • Regent provides equipment (cones, ball bag, pinnies, game ball) and a t-shirt!
    • Regent provides lesson plans, drills in PlayMetrics, as well as a guide to help volunteers throughout the season.

    Volunteers are required to upload a photo, complete a background check, and SafeSport training (Risk Management).

    If you are interested in volunteering with your child's team, and want to learn more, visit our Need to Know page!

    Need to Know (Volunteering)
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