Regent Policies

As a Regent member you are expected to be familiar with and adhere to all Regent policies.



Regent Soc­cer Club incurs insur­ance and admin­is­tra­tive costs to reg­is­ter and ros­ter a player. Accord­ingly, the $30 acceptance fee (plus late fees, if accrued) will be deducted from all refunds granted under this pol­icy. 

Requests may be sub­mit­ted via email or through the postal ser­vice.

In all cases Regent Soc­cer Club will use the date stamp of an email or the post­mark of reg­u­lar mail to deter­mine when the request, includ­ing a physician’s note where applic­a­ble, has been received.

Indi­vid­u­als and their teams will need to come to a sep­a­rate arrange­ment regard­ing fees paid to a team fund (for expenses such as coach­ing, tour­na­ment fees, etc.).

  • In-House, MAYSA 9/10, & Gold Program Refunds

    It is the pol­icy of Regent Soc­cer Club to grant In-House / MAYSA 9/10 / Gold Pro­gram soc­cer refund requests that are received prior to: 

    • August 1 
    • March 15 (Spring-only registrations) 
  • Blue Program Refunds (includes HS)

    Blue Pro­gram and High School teams require sig­nif­i­cant admin­is­tra­tive work on the part of Regent SC, and more com­mit­ment from a player.  

    A team is formed and a team bud­get is set based on the num­ber of play­ers com­mit­ting to the team, and often play­ers are not selected for teams based on ros­ter lim­its. 

    As a result, NO refunds are pro­vided for the BLUE and HS Programs.

    If you wish to appeal this pol­icy, please sub­mit a writ­ten request with expla­na­tion to the Regent SC board

    (send email to:

  • Tryout Refunds

    No refunds for tryout fees.

    If you wish to appeal this pol­icy, please sub­mit a writ­ten request with expla­na­tion to the Regent SC Board

    (send email to:

  • Special Event Fee Refunds

    In order to obtain a refund for any special event, a player must notify Regent, in writing, at least 2 days before the event is scheduled to take place. 

    These special event refunds are subject to a $20 administrative fee. 

    Special events include camps, clinics, winter futsal, etc.

  • Injury/Medical Exception**

    Excep­tions will be made to the above refund policies if a med­ical excep­tion request is received by Regent

    1) prior to Sep­tem­ber 30 (May 10 for Spring-only registrations), and

    2) as a result of a season-ending injury or med­ical con­di­tion.

    The refund request must be accom­pa­nied by a physician’s note indi­cat­ing that the injury or med­ical con­di­tion pre­vents the player from play­ing soc­cer for the remainder of the season.

    The injury excep­tion does not apply after Sep­tem­ber 30 (May 10 for Spring-only High School boys’ registrations).

    Approved refunds due to the medical/injury exception will be granted in a pro-rated amount based on the percentage of the season played and will be subject to Regent’s retention of the on-line processing fees, late fees (if accrued) and administrative fees, as noted below.



Once a player has been offered a position on a team, has accepted a position on that team, and completes registration, that player is committed to the club for the seasonal year (8/1 – 7/31).

 The WYSA player transfer policy takes effect at this time.

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