As a Regent member you are expected to be familiar with and adhere to all Regent policies.
Regent Soccer Club incurs insurance and administrative costs to register and roster a player. Accordingly, the $30 acceptance fee (plus late fees, if accrued) will be deducted from all refunds granted under this policy.
Requests may be submitted via email or through the postal service.
In all cases Regent Soccer Club will use the date stamp of an email or the postmark of regular mail to determine when the request, including a physician’s note where applicable, has been received.
Individuals and their teams will need to come to a separate arrangement regarding fees paid to a team fund (for expenses such as coaching, tournament fees, etc.).
It is the policy of Regent Soccer Club to grant In-House / MAYSA 9/10 / Gold Program soccer refund requests that are received prior to:
Blue Program and High School teams require significant administrative work on the part of Regent SC, and more commitment from a player.
A team is formed and a team budget is set based on the number of players committing to the team, and often players are not selected for teams based on roster limits.
As a result, NO refunds are provided for the BLUE and HS Programs.
If you wish to appeal this policy, please submit a written request with explanation to the Regent SC board
(send email to:
No refunds for tryout fees.
If you wish to appeal this policy, please submit a written request with explanation to the Regent SC Board
(send email to:
In order to obtain a refund for any special event, a player must notify Regent, in writing, at least 2 days before the event is scheduled to take place.
These special event refunds are subject to a $20 administrative fee.
Special events include camps, clinics, winter futsal, etc.
Exceptions will be made to the above refund policies if a medical exception request is received by Regent
1) prior to September 30 (May 10 for Spring-only registrations), and
2) as a result of a season-ending injury or medical condition.
The refund request must be accompanied by a physician’s note indicating that the injury or medical condition prevents the player from playing soccer for the remainder of the season.
The injury exception does not apply after September 30 (May 10 for Spring-only High School boys’ registrations).
Approved refunds due to the medical/injury exception will be granted in a pro-rated amount based on the percentage of the season played and will be subject to Regent’s retention of the on-line processing fees, late fees (if accrued) and administrative fees, as noted below.
Once a player has been offered a position on a team, has accepted a position on that team, and completes registration, that player is committed to the club for the seasonal year (8/1 – 7/31).
The WYSA player transfer policy takes effect at this time.
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